Village Directory
Who to contact in Cotterstock
St Andrew’s Church
Vicar- Revd Annie Goldthorp
Telephone: 01832 770109
Email: vicarwarmingtonbenefice@outlook.com
Secretary to the Parish Church Council- Rowena Somerville-Cotton
Email: Rowenasc@btinternet.com
Village Hall Bookings- Paul Deans
Email: pdeans540@gmail.com
Village Hall Secretary - Susie Rowlett
Email: cotterstock7@gmail.com
Village Hall Treasurer - Diane Fox
Email: cottvhctreasurer@gmail.com
Chair of the Parish Meeting- Paul Brooker
Email: pandebrooker@outlook.com
Clerk to the Parish Meeting- Diana Hart
Email: hartdiana@yahoo.com
Neighbourhood Watch- Paul Deans
Email: pdeans540@gmail.com
Website- Lizzie Ward
Email: cotterstockfiveall@gmail.com