Cotterstock Village Hall Committee Meeting 

Minutes of Meeting on Tuesday 19th April 2022

Present:   Richard Oughton (RO - ex-Chair), Adrian Eldridge (AE - Secretary & Comms), Paul Deans (PD - Treasurer), Paul Brooker (PB - via zoom),  Jenny Blount (JB), Lizzie Ward (LW), Robin Windsor (RW - PCC representative)

Also present: Jake Vowles (JV), Michele Mor (MM), Christine Wright |(CW), Karen Eldridge (KE)

Apologies:  Karena Corkill (KC),  Iain Fry (IF), Susie Rowlett (SR)

Apologies also received: Steve Ward, John Charles-Hollis, Diana Hart, Dawn Davis, Rowena Sommerville-Cotton

Election of Officers:

Lizzie Ward volunteered to be Chair for a 3-year tenure.  Proposed by AE and seconded by JB 

AE staying as Secretary but SR has offered to take over Village Comms.  AE proposed by JB and seconded by RO

PD happy to stay as Treasurer for another 12 months – proposed by LW and seconded by AE

RO handed over Village Hall Files to LW and thanked her for offering to be Chair and wished her all the best.  AE said the ‘old’ committee members would support and help her in whatever way they could.

AE will liaise with SR re Comms and hand over.   

Need to think about who will take over from PD as treasurer so that hand over can be done over a few months.

LW has discussed timings of meetings with some of the new committee members and this will be changed to the earlier time of 6 pm for the next meeting.

Minutes:  The minutes of the February Village Hall Meeting, were unavailable.

Action Log:

1.  COIF account – RO has investigated a new charity account with Barclays as they are the only remaining bank in Oundle and they have an account that does not charge a base fee.  Opening of these new accounts has been temporarily suspended due to high demand so this will need to be investigated in the future.

2.  Planning developments – JV reported that the Cotterstock Road site building is underway.  There has been a negative reaction to the name ‘Cotterstock Meadows’ as the development is in the Glapthorn Parish and on the edge of Oundle but apparently the school children chose the name. JV felt it important that the village should contact planning to voice our thoughts on using the name Cotterstock for any road names etc.  We have already had large lorries in the village looking for Cotterstock Meadows and this will probably worsen as time goes on.  JV is also trying to find out the transport plan for these lorries but so far has been unable to do so. The police are also unaware of what the transport plan is.  PB reported that a letter has been received from the developers saying that they are keen to work with local villages so this would appear to be positive. RO suggested the developers may like to gift the village a sum of money as a good will gesture! PB asked if access site at the Rugby club had been sorted – JV reported that it had not.  There is also discussion re access in St. Peters Road but ownership of the strip of land is under question as is the possibility of a bat roost.

3.  Planting at the rear of the hall –  clearing and opening up of the rear garden of the village hall has been well received and the general opinion is to try and keep it clear and to make the most of the view.  To be discussed further.

4.  Hall chairs – as previously discussed, AE will source some chairs for the committee to look at, try and decide upon.  Various factors need to be taken into consideration – they really need to stack (or fold perhaps, although storage space is limited so this is something to take into consideration), they should be as lightweight as possible, they should be easy to clean etc etc.

5.  Maintenance issues – front door needs rubbing down and redoing.

6.  Church Representation on the VHC - Robin Windsor’s commitments have changed and he is now able to attend on Tuesdays.  If he cannot attend there will be someone at the meeting to represent the PCC.

7.  Planter at the top of the village – PD has this in hand.

Treasurer’s Report:  PD briefly ran through the income and expenditure accounts. He had some unknown credits but LW said they were from payments for the Wine Tasting event.  She will liaise with Paul to let him know who will be paying by BACS into the account.  PD has paid the PCC their share of takings from the jumble sale but has so far been unable to pay the DEC Ukraine Appeal as they cannot accept cheques and our account does not have the facility to pay online BACS.  AE offered to pay this and then be reimbursed by cheque by PD.  As there is still money coming in from EBay sales by Diane Fox of some more special items left over from the jumble sale, we should perhaps wait to do this until the final figure is determined.  PB has undertaken to try and sell the ‘patient mover’ as this is quite a valuable item.  PB asked if the defibrillator cost is a one off or a regular cost.  This payment was for new batteries and pads and we had already got the money in hand for this from the original grant.  This is the first time they have had to be replaced in the five years we have had it. Oundle First Responders have now taken over the day to day maintenance and checks but we will obviously have to support any future costs for parts etc. RO suggested that the village be sent an annual reminder about the defibrillator and the code – especially as there is no signage on the ‘phone box’ to indicate that it houses a defibrillator.

Upcoming Events: The 150 years of childhood exhibition is in a couple of weeks and DD is giving AE reminders, publicity etc to send out to the village as and when.  

LW has had 20 requests for wine tasting tickets for 20th May and this covers the minimum number required.  Normally people leave things to fairly late in the day so numbers are expected to rise in the next week or two.  After paying Amps £5 per head the only other costs will be for cold meats, nibbles etc which Lizzie will purchase.

Events for the Jubilee celebration weekend were discussed.

On Friday 3rd June there will be Crown making in the village hall and LW needs an idea of numbers in order to purchase the materials.  In the afternoon there will be the River of Hope Regatta and BBQ at a contribution of £5 per head.  AE has offered help with the BBQ and will get the food for the event. People are asked to bring their own drinks and chairs.

RW explained about the Family Outdoor Service at 11.30 on Saturday 4th June with tree planting by the oldest and youngest villagers.  There will be outdoor seating available. 

Following the Church service there will be the Big Jubilee Street Party with people bringing their own food and drinks.  Tables will be put in Church Lane and help with taking the tables and chairs down to Church Lane would be very much appreciated. All participants will be encouraged to wear a crown. As with all events, it will be important to have some idea of numbers.

On Wednesday 22nd June there will be a Midsummer Choral concert held in the Church.  RW said the Robinson College Choir Cambridge would be performing at the concert which will be a wonderful treat when we will get to hear some beautiful singing.  LW’s sister is in the choir and we are very privileged to have them come to St. Andrews.

PD will be holding his final Deans quiz night on Saturday 26th November.  More details to follow.

Village Communications:  SR has offered to take over the village communication role and AE will be in touch with her shortly.  

MM suggested that, rather than send emails by private email addresses, a new village email address be created solely for this purpose.  LW said she would look into this.

RO said that we had tried to run a Village Community Group to try and encourage villagers to come along and discuss any village matters.  We have held one by zoom and one in the Village Hall.   However, they were very poorly attended and the question remains whether or not it is worth trying again.  PB to discuss further with LW.

Any Other Business: 

AE asked if there was any information regarding closure of the road to Glapthorn beyond the crossroads.  JV was unaware of the reason as are the Police. CW said there is a hole at the side of the road in a culvert and that the belief is that Victorian drains may run under the road and may collapse at any time.

JV asked if the speed signs at either end of the village recorded low speeds as, if they do, this would influence our speed statistics. MM assured him that, although the signs register and flash up the speed of bikes, runners etc., they are not recorded and therefore will not affect the average speeds reported.

LW offered a vote of thanks to RO for all his hard work as Chair over the last few years, particularly as he hasn’t lived in the village for the last 3 years! On behalf of the VHC she also presented him with a gift of wine and two tickets to our Wine Tasting Event – so he will have to return to the village!  He, in turn, thanked the committee and LW and said he and Laura looked forward to coming to future events in the village and keeping in touch.   He thanked LW for taking up the baton, wished her well and told her that he knew she would have lots of support and help from the committee.

CW mentioned the 150 years of Childhood exhibition.  Things are coming together nicely.  The Church and the Village Hall are both being used for the event with teas being served at the Village Hall.  There will be outdoor seating if the weather is suitable and DD is, as previously mentioned, liaising with AE so he can circulate reminders etc. AE commented that the bunting looked very colourful and welcoming.

MM suggested that more warning was given to villagers by email of upcoming events and requests for help as there may well be people who, with a bit of notice, would like to help on the day.  This was thought to be an excellent idea and will be taken on board.

There being no other business the meeting finished at 8.35 pm

Date of next meetings:  Tuesday 17th May @ 6 pm     then

                                                 Tuesday 5th July @ 6 pm


7 February 2023


VHC AGM March 2022