Cotterstock Village Hall Committee Meeting

Tuesday 7th February 2023


Present: Lizzie Ward (LW – Chair), , Susie Rowlett (SR -Secretary), Michele Mor (MM), Diana Hart (DH), Adrian Eldridge (AE), Roger Fitton (RF, PCC Rep),  Jenny Blount (JB)

Apologies: Paul Brooker (PB), Paul Deans (PD -Treasurer), John Charles - Hollis (JCH), Robin Windsor (RW), Jake Vowles (JV) Karena Corkill (KC), Iain Fry (IF)

Last meeting minutes:

email of events circulated.

Thoughts go to to Paul Deans and family . Wishing Amelie a swift recovery. Thanks to Sue Fitton for cleaning.

Treasurer’s report:

No update this month. Need a new treasurer in May.

Upcoming events:

Little response received to the schedule of events. Tamsin has offered to run the quiz though. Thanks! Date agreed 25th November.

To date; 30 people attending the casserole event.

SR to send email to entire village with dates and request for help. Summary below

Two categories, Community and fundraising. Often a crossover.

Casserole evening - Friday 3rd March.

VHC to provide casseroles

SR to buy french sticks

Bar - tbc


Village litter pick - Sunday 26th March

Meet at 10am at the phone box. 


Coronation weekend  - Saturday 7th May -

Idea of indoor ‘street party’ plus gazebos in garden for overflow


Safari Supper -  Saturday 1st July (provisional date.) Paul Brooker are you happy to coordinate?



Harvest supper and Beetle drive - Friday 6th October confirmed date.


Bonfire night - Saturday 4th November


Quiz - 25th November


Carol Singing and Christmas social - Friday 15th December




•     Email from Oundle Life regarding advertising of events. Nothing from VHC but SR to pass to Rowena for an article about the open gardens.

•     Restart Cotterstock chicks! Thanks Jenny


Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14th March  6-7pm AGM


4 April 2023


19th April 2022