Cotterstock Village Hall Committee Meeting

Tuesday 5th Sept 2023


Present: Lizzie Ward (LW – Chair), Diana Fox (DF-Treasurer), Paul Deans (PD), Mary Deens (MD), Susie Rowlett (SR -Secretary), Michele Mor (MM), Diana Hart (DH), Adrian Eldridge (AE), Jake Vowles (JV), Paul Brooker (PB), Iain Fry (IF), Jenny Blount (JB), Tamsin *****, Marcia Morris.

Apologies: John Charles - Hollis (JCH), Karena Corkill (KC).

Last meeting minutes:

Agreed correct.

Treasurer’s report:

Circulated to committee

Energy supplier changed but meter readings need correcting.

Water supply changed from Wave to ***

Online banking ongoing. SR needs to contact Natwest.


Notice board. Council support grant application for £1000. Paper copy of application to be submitted shortly. Mike Cawthorne to build new notice board, new posts need sourcing also.

Decorating and door refurbishment ongoing – PD

Chimney cap ordered!

Pat testing due March 2025. Last done in 202 by R Sadler, Buzz electronics also an option.

Hedge cutting completed

mowing reminder, grass in brown bin please.

Tree from neighbouring garden over gas tank. Not causing immediate problem, JR looking into it.

Fly zappers working. PD to set off a bug bomb in early October.


Upcoming events:

Harvest Supper and Beetle drive.

Friday 6th October

Same format as last year, SR and EW to organise. Jacket potato station’ bring and share’.

Joint poster to be circulated advertising a weekend of harvest events, including the service at the church. Church service is supporting a charity called ‘ The Light Project’. It was decided that the proceeds from the harvest supper at the VH should continue to support the local foodbank.

Coffee and chat.

Monthly coffee morning in hall on Mondays 10-12. PD to add bookings to the diary.



Saturday 25th of September. Tamsin organising. MD and PD to share experiences from previous quizzes. Still discussing food options. Justin Paella was a success at a recent local quiz so a possibility.


Bonfire night.

4th November. KC to organise. Rowletts to host.


Carol Singing


15th December. SR to host. SR and LW to peak to the PCC to coordinate advertising as ‘Christmas in Cotterstock”


SR to circulate a ‘save the date’ email followed by individual event details.


Glapthorn and Southwick Show


We have been invited to join the annual show. Lovely idea but none able to offer the time needed from the committee. Perhaps ask wider village? SR to speak to Monica Crosby to find out more then ask the wider village for volunteers.



•     LW to organise a thank you gift for those who look after the beautiful planters in the village. Joyce, Elizabeth, Don and Shelia. £25 garden voucher agreed.

•     Simon Blackman has offered the hall a wooden garden table and chairs. Yes please! Thank you.

•     Lock reversal discussion to be held at a separate meeting when the EA and consultants have all the responses to queries. POST MEETING NOTE – householders on Mill Lane has been contacted personally and offered a 121 meeting to discuss issues. Some meetings have taken place already which have been positive. Very high lever summary, lock reversal does very little to elevate flooding in practice and is causes the locks and river to be more dangerous to EA workers and members of the public, thus the plan to cease the practice.


Date of next meeting – Tuesday 3rd October 6-7pm


4 July 2023