Minutes of the Cotterstock VHC Meeting

Tuesday 4th July


Attending: EGW, DF, DD, IF, KS, JV, AE, KE)


1.             Apologies (SR, PD, PB, DH, JB)

2.             Approval of minutes

3.             Getting electronic signatures process….is in progress! DF, SR & PB will be the three signatories. DF will then update address on account to be hers. Once that is done, the online process can be sorted out.  DF has found a good account with Coop bank 2.21% in money kept in with 95 day notice going down if you want instant access. Also get project funding grant of up to £1000. Awarded best charity banking provided 2022. Extensive research done! Letter from EDF energy- up for renewal…DF will

4.             Village Notice Board- quote received, will send grant application in now has been signed. Suggestion that it is mounted on the wall if possible.

5.             Cotterstock coffee and chatter- EGW co-organising with DD. Activities organised. Need to arrange a rota for cake making. Email (after ride and stride) September to advertise the calendar, cake baking rota. Heating turned on and off, cleaning done.

6.             Iain will check hot water urn and will sort however is needed, including replacing like for like if deemed necessary.

7.             Safari supper report done. Superb evening and huge thanks to Paul and Elaine Brooker for a brilliant evening. EGW suggested possibly doing a VH-based Safari supper in wintertime where we ask for table hosts and incorporate the element of switching hosts and surprise envelopes. All based in VH better in cold winter months. To be continued…

8.             Next events - Harvest Supper and Beetle Drive 6 Oct. EGW and SR organising.

9.             AOB


Suggested Notice for the door for hirers! Please add anything else that comes to mind.


Before you leave, please check that you have:


1.             Turned the heating back to Auto?

2.             Turned lights off?

3.             Emptied the dishwasher?

4.             Check the back door is locked?

5.             Made sure the fridge is still on?


(EGW) Glapthorn and Southwick Village Show this Saturday 3pm. We will discuss in Sept meeting if we want to involve Cotterstock in collaboration with Glapthorn and Southwick.


(EGW) Gave an update on the village hall chairs in response to DD’s enquiry for an update.


(JV) Boundary Review as it affects Cotterstock (Constituency boundaries)

Boundaries consultation has met and JV would like to know the outcome. He will ask DH and PB if they have heard anything.


JV has lovely single bed going free and it needs a new home! Please contact him for further information.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 5th September 6pm





5 Sept 2023


6 June 2023