Cotterstock Village Hall Committee Meeting

Tuesday 4th April 2023


Present: Lizzie Ward (LW – Chair), Paul Deans (PD -Treasurer), Susie Rowlett (SR -Secretary), Michele Mor (MM), Diana Hart (DH), Adrian Eldridge (AE), Roger Fitton (RF, PCC Rep),  Jake Vowles (JV)

Apologies: Paul Brooker (PB), John Charles - Hollis (JCH), Karena Corkill (KC), Iain Fry (IF), Jenny Blount (JB)

Last meeting minutes:

Agreed correct.

Election of officers:

            Chair – Lizzie Ward (Proposed PD, seconded SR)

            Secretary – Susie Rowlett (Proposed AE, Seconded LW)

            Treasurer – VACANT.

Treasurer role:

            PD to continue for 1 month until accounts finalised but need a replacement asap.

            Role currently includes bookings and cleaning – propose to advertise for cleaner to ease role.

Cleaning to be advertised – 2 hours per week, one on Tuesdays at 5pm aprox, 1 to check things on Thursdays after art class. £10 per hour.

Treasurer’s report:

Currently ~£12k in account. Proposal to move ~£10k to ‘savings’ online account with 2 signatures and keep
~£2k in ‘current’ online account, 1 signatory only.

Gas has been filled twice this year, usually once, due to cold weather and increased usage.

£150 received from government to support business fuel costs.

PD away for 3 weeks, AE to coordinate diary. SR, LW and DH to cover cleaning.#


propose keypad/key safe to aid with opening and closing of hall for events. - LW to investigate

Upcoming events:

Little response to call for coronation event support therefore no plans to hold an event this time.


Safari Supper - Saturday 1st July (provisional date.) SR to contact PB to confirm details and begin advertising?


Charity dinner – PD holding an invite only event in July to raise funds for charity which organise accommodation for families with children in hospital. VHC happy to help where necessary. No fee for hall.



•     PD to organise whisky and card for Matt Upex as a thanks for verifying accounts

•     Southwick and Glapthorn have invited us to join their village show next year. General approval but details to be confirmed.

•     Confirmation that PCC do not pay hall fee for use when holding meetings.


Date of next meeting – Tuesday 9th May 6-7pm


9 May 2023


7 February 2023