Cotterstock Village Hall Committee Meeting

Tuesday 9th May 2023


Present: Lizzie Ward (LW – Chair), Paul Deans (PD -Treasurer), Susie Rowlett (SR -Secretary), Michele Mor (MM), Diana Hart (DH), Adrian Eldridge (AE), Jake Vowles (JV), Paul Brooker (PB), John Charles - Hollis (JCH), Karena Corkill (KC), Diane Fox (DF).

Apologies: Iain Fry (IF), Jenny Blount (JB), Roger Fitton (RF - PCC Rep).

Welcome to Diane Fox, our new treasurer!

Last meeting minutes:

Changes made regarding spellings and mistakes with initials.

Treasurer’s report:

Circulated previously.

DF has agreed to take over from PD, PD to organise a hand over including contacting Natwest bank to switch to an online account. SR volunteered to be an electronic signatory.


·       Fly zapper at the West end of hall required attention. AE to investigate and organise new bulbs.

·       Front door re-varnish. PD to organise in fair weather.

·       Chimney – SR and James Rowlett to organise sweeping and capping to prevent nesting birds. Unable to ‘sign off’ the sweep but this should not be a problem as long as no fires are lit.

·       Windows and plaster repair. Problem of water leaking under old windows. PD has sealant and will organise the repair with help from PB and others.

·       Wall paint touch up. PD to investigate if we have the right paint.

·       The boiler has been serviced today. AE has the report and will send to LW for records.

·       Mowing under control. Thanks all.

·       Cleaning. Tilly has started and will be asked to continue until the end of June as Pilates is term time only and art move outdoors in the summer months. PD has asked for an invoice for the records of payment. Emmi to begin in July/August depending on situation.

·   Notice board. Needs replacing. AE has brought some examples which are around £1000/£1200. PD to get a quote from Mike Cawthorne. DF to ask Pete if he would like to quote. SR to ask JR (post meeting note – he is too busy at the moment-sorry)

o   JV to investigate any available grants, perhaps relating to the coronation year celebrations.

o   As a short-term safety fix, PD to remove broken door and screw the second shut.

·   Post meeting note. PD has purchased a new front door electronic keypad and will install. The code can be given to hirers and changed regularly to ensure building is secure.


Upcoming events:


Safari Supper - Saturday 1st July. 32 people interested so far! Many happy to either host or roam depending on need. PB organising. Committee agreed £12.50 per head for those not hosting. All to encourage others to join.


New booking system – Discussion around increasing the transparency of the bookings and ease of organising in PD’s absence. Excellent job done by PD but there is a feeling that a move online could be beneficial. The system would need to be set up so people ‘request’ a booking to ensure we still have control and flexibility over pricing. We would blank out regular bookings like pilates and art class and only allow bookings 3 months in advance? LW to invite a speaker to explain his system which costs £120 per year but links to bank. MM to look into Google calendar so see if it meets our needs.


The website was discussed, we think it is a good resource for historical village information and it doesn’t matter that it is not kept up to date with events etc. Would be interesting to see if we can link it to the new booking system.



•     Diesel/oil container still on the grounds following the litter pick. AE to contact council to remove.

•     A man has been successfully prosecuted for stealing lead from the church roof. SR to circulate news report to the village.

•     LW to stand down as chair at the next AGM in March 2024.

•    Interesting talk at the church on the 22nd of June. David Bond history.


Date of next meeting – Tuesday 6th June


6 June 2023


4 April 2023