Minutes of VHC Meeting

Tuesday 6th June 2023


1.             Apologies: SR, PD, PB, JC-H, JV, JB.


2.             Approval of minutes May 2023


3.             DF and PD have had meeting transferring the paper copies. Still sorting online account out- summer holidays. EGW still has two receipts to hand in.


Treasurer report (from PD) I have had a meeting with Diane Fox and handed over all the financial paperwork etc covering the last three years.  The other folders which I inherited will be stored in the Village hall secure store room.  It has been suggested by Adrian that the four of us, (Paul Brooker, Diane, Adrian and I) make an appointment with the Nat West Bank at Corby and try and get the banking issue sorted out in one swoop, get us on line and up to date with change of treasurer.  This will be done when all four of us can get together.  Diane has already drafted a letter to our suppliers, ie Gas and Electricity etc which we will sign to change over details.  I will sign them on my return. (PD)


** Diane Fox voted on to VH Committee- nominated by AE, seconded by IF)**


4.             Work to the Hall- PD has sent report. I have varnished the front door to the building, unfortunately the door has got very weathered and will need to be sanded down to bare wood to regain its colour.  I will do that during the summer months.  A new key pad has been fitted to the front door to allow easy access for people using the hall on an ad hoc basis.  So far it has worked successfully and I will change the number on occasions to retain security. The front windows to the building have not been sealed, when I checked my stock I only had white frame sealant, I decided this would look out of place so I will purchase some brown stone colour or clear and then seal them.  That will then require some work indoors, removing the damage blown plaster work, repairing and repainting.  I am happy to do that during the summer months and certainly before we get any constant bad weather. The other internal paint jobs can be done at the same time. Discussed how to pay for work- will ask PD to invoice the VHC for the work done. Adrian has fixed the fly zapper lights!


5.             Perhaps send an email to the village- inviting people to go along and have a look- eye up the competition! Get some feedback after then the show. Committee rep would need to be named as liaison.


6.             Village Notice board- progressing. EGW completing the grant application forms as sourced by JV through Geoff Shacklock.


7.             Cotterstock Coffee and Chat- Dawn’s proposal. Applies to neighbouring villagers too. For all ages. Coffee cakes and chatter- so that folks could come and catch up. Other activities- thought for the month; make a flower arrangement; memories of the war years;  etc. Would benefit having a rota for baking and for hosting. This was well received and supported by all. Email from Susie for all villagers for help.


8.             Safari Supper- unable to discuss but know it’s very well supported and folks are looking forward to it!


9.             Speeding red fiesta- dangerous driving. Young driver driving dangerously- taking the two corners by the bridge like a racetrack. Iain wonders if the footage being sent to the police has helped. Please do not discuss this outside of the meeting or post on Social Media.


10.          Any Other Business. Adrian- Diana new treasurer. Adrian nominated and Iain Fry seconded. DF- will set up new email address for treasurer and let us know what it is.


11.          Date of next meeting Tues 4th July 6pm


Additional Points raised by PD in email but not voiced at meeting (apologies Paul)



I am still happy to continue with the diary and bookings.  I am not against it going on lines as long as it is controlled.  All booking enquiries are done by email and I normally answer them within 24 hours.  I am against paying £120 for an online facility, we don’t get more than one or two enquiries per month and a diary costs about £2.  In my experience the only people who need to be aware of bookings are the Treasurer and the Cleaner so that we ensure bills are paid and the hall is kept clean. I have already informed Diane that I will copy her in when any invoices are sent out and I will liaise with Emmi when extra cleaning is required.


The Deans’ Charity Event.

Now confirmed as Friday 1st September, a Chilli and Lasagne evening.  Invitations will be going out during the next 7 to 14 days with all the details.


4 July 2023


9 May 2023